Friday, May 30, 2008

March 14 2007

My first guest is a visitor from across the Tasman. Pam Bayfield is in Dunedin this week to launch her book A Leading Lady, The Story of Mary Jolly. Mary Jolly was a respected star of the Dunedin Repertory Society from the 1930’s to 1950’s. Pam will be chatting about Mary Jolly and her book. We will also talk about the pros and cons of self-publishing as this is the fifth book Pam has self-published.

My other guest is going to be me! In a bit of a role reversal I will be on the business end of the questions as Tania Roxborogh interviews me about my crime fiction novel Overkill. We’ll be talking about the book and also the joys of having your first novel in print and the process involved in making the dream a reality.

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